Event Info

Build a Fall Newsletter with Patron Point

Thursday, August 15, 2024
2:00pm - 3:00pm (Eastern Time - US & Canada) change time zone


Fall is a busy time of year for libraries! Make sure your patrons know about everything happening in your library this Fall, with Patron Point emails. In this session, we'll cover how to create a newsletter that will generate interest in your library's events, services, and collections. We'll also have a chance to see the new AI features in action - including AI subject lines, to make sure your emails get noticed in your patron's inbox, and AI send times, which optimize the time to send your newsletter for maximum open rates. 

We'll cover: 

  • Using the email builder to create a newsletter for fall events and services
  • Using AI subject lines to generate a subject for our newsletter
  • Understanding how to use AI send times per patron
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