Event Info

LibAnswers: Setting up Queues & Answering Tickets

Thursday, May 7, 2020
2:00pm - 3:00pm (Eastern Time - US & Canada) change time zone


A queue is like a pipeline for managing questions from your patrons. Each queue has its own dedicated communication channels, allowing you to receive questions from different sources. A ticket represents a conversation between you and your patrons - their question, your answer, and any other replies! Tickets can also contain internal notes - for example, a conversation between you and a colleague, or an internal note containing information that might be useful to others answering similar tickets. Learn best practices for answering tickets and how you can use your system to better communicate with your colleagues.

Learning Objectives:

  • Setting up ticket sources including SMS and social media
  • Customizing the question form
  • Email settings
  • Creating widgets
  • Creating macros
  • Answering a tickets
  • Stats
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