Event Info

SpringyCamp Day 2

Thursday, July 28, 2022
12:00pm - 2:30pm (Eastern Time - US & Canada) change time zone


Day 2: Presenter Lineup DAvenport University  |  University of Houston-Victoria  |  York University | Grand Canyon University  |  Illinois Valley Community College

Springy Tools & The Day of Research
Brian Holda and Emily Hayes, Davenport University

Student Use of Space in the new Library: An investigation with LibWizard
Jaena Manson, Alexis Hickey, Tami Wisofsky, Karen Locher, Lori Bryan, University of Houston-Victoria

Collections As Service: Developing Openly Licensed Training Resources for Library Professionals
Leigh Jackson and Stephanie Quail, York University (CA)

Adding Interactive Elements to LibGuides: Simple and Not-So-Simple Interactives
Teresa Copeland, Grand Canyon University

Organizing Instruction Session Data with LibWizard
Stephanie Reeder, Illinois Valley Community College

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