Event Info

LibCal Seat Reservations - New!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020
2:00pm - 2:30pm (Eastern Time - US & Canada) change time zone


Helping You Reopen.... Safely

The new Seats module add-on to LibCal’s existing reservation system enables users to view available Seats, reserve one, and check-in/check out from their smartphone. Building managers and staff can configure availability slots and allow extra cleaning time after each reservation, view and manage bookings, see real-time building capacity, and quickly remove seats if needed.

This Add-On LibCal Module Helps You:

  • Make Individual Seats Bookable - Identify individual Seats within your building as bookable. Organize Seats by Spaces and Zones. Determine how far in advance users can book Seats with padding between bookings for cleaning and sanitizing. 
  • Realtime Capacity Reporting - At any given time, run a report to view realtime capacity of Seats within Spaces and Zones. 
  • Contactless Check-in/out - Print and display QR Codes next to each Seat or Space for contactless check-in/out. Users scan the QR Code from their smartphone and check-in/out for their seat. Do your patrons not have QR reader on their phone? No worries, we created a mobile-friendly webpage for check-in/out. This optional feature helps you with contact tracing efforts.
  • Long-term Applications - The LibCal Seats module rounds out LibCal as the go-to spatial booking platform. QR codes, contactless check-in/out functionality, capacity planning dashboard, interactive mapping (yes, it's coming!) will benefit your users - and building administrators - for years to come!

This Event is Occurring on Multiple Dates & Times:

Note: This webinar is not an in-depth training session.
For help, please consult our help documentation and/or contact our support team.
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